Committee Members

The South and East Museums Federation committee are elected by the members at our AGM. Committee members are elected each year, with the President serving a two year term. 

President and Treasurer

Matthew Platt, Assistant Curator, North Hertfordshire Museum, Hertfordshire

Vice President

Tabitha Runacres, Experiences & Partnership Curator Midlands and East of England, National Trust


Joe Carr, Collections and Learning Curator, The Red House, Suffolk


Samantha Daisley, Museum and Cultural Development Officer, Stevenage Museum

Web Officer

Hannah Salisbury, Community and Learning Officer (West Suffolk), Suffolk Archives


Emily Shepperson, Exhibitions and Interpretation Officer, Suffolk Archives

Bee Smyth, Curator Manager, British Schools Museum

Join our friendly committee!

We are looking for new people to join our friendly committee, either as a general committee member and/or as Social Media Officer. Joining the committee is a great way to network within our region, use and develop your knowledge and skills, and help to shape the future of what SEMFed does for its members. Please find details of the roles below.