Audience Evolution – Engagement at Oxford’s University Museums
Friday 9 May, 12:00–16:00
The Study Day will be an opportunity to find out the latest audience focused projects at The Pitt Rivers Museum & Museum of Natural History.
Oxford’s University’s Museums are world renowned with more than a million people visiting the University’s museums and collections every year.
On the day you will
- hear about the public engagement programme ‘Museum Goes To Town’ and the re-opening of the Museum of Natural History after a closure for roof repairs
- go behind the scenes tour of the entomology collection – which includes treasures such as items collected by Wallace & Darwin.
- tour the Pitt Rivers Museum hear about public engagement at the museum and the VERVE project.
The Study Day will start at 12noon with lunch, provided by the South East Museum Development Programme, and finish at 4pm with optional drinks in one of Oxford’s historic pubs.
As always the study day is free to members and you can book your place via Eventbrite —
If you are not a member please choose the non-members ticket which includes annual membership to the SEMF.
Thank you to the South East Museum Development Programme and Oxford Aspire for hosting this event.